As you may remember from my “It’s Garden Time” post a few weeks ago, I am a big fan of gardening and especially in how it relates to food storage. Now that our Food Storage Made Easy (eBook) Binders are completed and available, I’ve actually had a bit of time to focus on gardening again. This weekend I took a bunch of my seedlings that I started in Jiffy Pellets and transplanted them into small pots to allow them space to grow some more. I even found a way to make my OWN pots out of newspapers so it was all FREE except for buying the potting soil. I just had to share this new method with you because I was so excited about it.
How to Make Your Own Plant Pots – Video
How to Make Your Own Plant Pots – Instructions
- Take a single full sheet of black and white newspaper (color paper can have chemicals that may leach into your soil so it’s best to avoid it).
- Fold the paper on its seam. Fold in half one more time. If your paper is larger in size you may have to fold it once more. Make a good crease on folds.
- Take a glass and place it on its edge halfway onto the newspaper. Wrap the newspaper tightly around the glass and then shove all the edges down inside the glass.
- Pull the newspaper off of the glass. Take the inside edges that you had previously folded into the glass and unfold them a bit to make the base of the pot. Press them down hard (you can use the base of your glass to really get it sealed down in there.
- Transplant (or plant) your seeding into the newspaper pot with some good potting soil and place it in a tray and put it into direct sunlight. I use a little indoor greenhouse I found online.
- When ready to move the plants into your garden simply remove the newspaper and place the plant in your garden.
If you are looking for some guidelines on when to start different seedlings indoors and outdoors I love the gardening plans from the My Square Foot Garden eBooks. They have been SOOOO helpful to me!

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder