Make sure to read DAY 3’s facebook discussions and comments on the post to see what we all learned from having to pull together a last minute meal. (You can read it even if you don’t use facebook!)
Being able to cook great meals from your pantry can save you time and money on those hectic days. Also when you’re using that food in your pantry, you want to make sure you keep track of expiration dates so you don’t waste food!
Prize: ONE Annual Membership
WINNER:Sarah Hudson Hofhine (we’ll contact you at the end of the challenge to get you your prize)
(SIX three-month memberships to come at the end)
Company: Deals To Meals
Description: Deals to Meals tells you where the best deals are each week from all of the major grocery stores, help you know which items to add to your food storage and freezer each week. They also give you a weekly meal planner that is based around the best deals each week.
Prize: A Lifetime Memberships to Fresh Reminders
WINNER:Laura McMullin (we’ll contact you at the end of the challenge to get you your prize)
(NINE more to come at the end!)
Company: Fresh Reminders
Description: Don’t let your hard-earned food storage go to waste because it expires! Fresh Reminders helps you keep track of all of those pesky expiration dates and will email you before your items go bad, helping you automatically rotate your food and stay safe. A free lifetime membership allows you to track an unlimited number of items, have first access to new features, and never see ads in your account.