What causes even more danger than an actual natural disaster? Improper sanitation practices being followed in the aftermath of the emergency situation. The Red Cross has said that sanitation is the biggest problem after a natural disaster. If you have improper sanitation, disease spreads quickly and many will have diarrhea and other illnesses. Cleanliness is vital in emergencies.
We recently asked for people to submit ideas of emergency situations to use for our upcoming 7 Day Challenge (you can still submit ideas and enter for a chance to win one of our binders!). Several of the submissions touched on some basic sanitation issues and we thought this would be a great time to touch on this topic in a little more detail. (YES THAT IS A HINT THAT THIS MAY COME UP IN THE CHALLENGE THIS YEAR!)
One of our readers sent us an awesome sanitation kit handout that we have converted to match the other handouts included in our Food Storage Made Easy Binder so you can print it off, add it to your binder, and have it ready to go in an emergency situation. We highly recommend putting together a kit of this sort as part of your emergency preparedness plans.
We previously posted instructions on how to make an emergency chemical toilet but this new handout contains much more detail.
p.s. We know a lot of our readers are currently experiencing different emergency situations in light of Hurricane Irene. Check back later this week (when hopefully everyone has power back!) as we go over a Natural Disaster Crash Course to remind everyone of the important things they should know in situations like this.
-Jodi Weiss Schroeder