Recently, we did our very first webinar on how to plan a year supply of food storage. Thank you all for your support in listening in, participating with great questions, and for giving us amazing feedback. Here’s just one comment from one of our readers:
Normally, I don’t critique webinars afterwards. I listen, take notes if inspired, and go on my way. I’m making an exception because that was an incredible, info-packed webinar. Took lots of notes. You really know your stuff and present it in a clear and concise manner. I loved it and am so grateful for your effort. When I have money to invest in product, I’ll be looking for you guys!
A lot of you have been asking for the slides in the presentation. Today we wanted to give you an overview of what was covered along with some of the slides. NOTE: These are just the high level slides. A lot of the slides included are int he webinar you can watch but not in this post.
If you want to watch the replay as though you were there live use this link. The video doesn’t start for about 3-4 minutes, so just hang tight and it will start at that point. It’s the best way to view it so you can see the chat and all the links that pop up.
If you can’t get the replay to work for some reason you can also access the video via our youtube channel here:
Throughout the webinar we talk about different resources available for you to use. You can find these all on the webinar page here
Just a little overview of what we covered with a portion of the slides in the presentation:
We started out the webinar by introducing the topics we were going to cover along with some basic questions about how the webinar would work.
Before getting into the details of actually planning the food for the year supply we spent a number of slides on the basics of an Emergency Preparedness Plan, Posts on Water, Non-Food Items, and Powerless cooking
Then we jumped into some different ways of building a year supply. We talked about the pro’s and con’s of each of these plans and who may prefer which based on budget, diet, space etc.
The “Basic” plan featured basic life-sustaining ingredients. We answered a lot of questions and demonstrated how to alter the common calculators.
In the “Basic Plus” plan we discussed how to enhance the “Basic” plan to better fit your regular more typical diets. We discussed how to go about doing that and where to buy stuff.
In the “Packages” plan we talked about what kinds of packages are out there, how to know which ones you might want to buy, why some are so much more money than others etc. We also taught how to modify, or customize packages out there to get a better deal.
These were just some of the recommendations and suggestions we made on purchasing when customizing a package.
In the “Just-add-water” plan we discussed some things you may want to know before investing in a big purchase. We talked about the different types of meals and variations in prices, servings etc.
Again here were some of the tips and things we talked about to allow you to know how to figure out when and how much to buy.
For some, purchasing on a monthly budget rather than all at once is the answer. The Thrive Q is a great way to do this.
In this portion of the webinar we talked about food storage and allergies.
Here is where we covered some miscellaneous items that people asked about.
-Jodi Weiss Schroeder