We hope you enjoyed our Blast From The Past Week as we celebrated our two year blog anniversary last week. We went through a lot of fun stories and things we’ve discovered over the last two years as we have been learning about food storage and sharing what we’ve learned on this blog. Here is a summary of the posts in case you missed any of the days.
A look at our “old” blog design and a summary of some of our blogging milestones over the past two years
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- See how Julie is CONSTANTLY re-organizing her food storage [View Post]
- Jodi and Julie “argue” over how to plan a three month supply [View Post]
- Julie discovers that food storage is NOT only for desserts! [View Post]
- Jodi shares her adventures with canning, sprouting, and more. [View Post]
- Julie shares the BEST food storage recipe ever. [View Post]
- Jodi divulges two amazing cornmeal recipes. [View Post]
We are so excited we have ALMOST hit another milestone in our blogging journey as we are approaching having 5000 “fans” on our facebook page. We are going to be announcing a FACEBOOK ONLY giveaway as soon as we hit the magic number of 5000 fans so if you aren’t already a fan make sure you go to our page and click the “like” button. You MUST be a fan in order to get the notification about the giveaway and find out how to enter (it will be easy we promise!)
UPDATE: We already hit 5000 fans so make sure to check out the Facebook Note for details!
Being a facebook fan gives you more of a day-to-day look into what we are doing to learn more about food storage and using it in our daily lives. We also announce special sales and events, ask and answer lots of questions, link to other great food storage information sources, and post our latest blog posts so you can read them right on facebook and never miss a post again. It’s been a great way to get to know our readers better and to learn from all of you as well. Hope to see you over there!
Julie attended a “healthy food storage” class over the weekend (her class notes are coming later this week) and had to share this great offer with you (before it’s too late). One of the suggestions for people that are into more whole, natural types of foods and herbs was to make sure to store herbs for medicinal purposes. Dr. Christopher’s School Of Natural Healing was giving a special for conference attendees only, that they said we could pass on to our blog readers. They do a Family Herbalist course that is normally $500 but if you go to this link by TUESDAY (tomorrow), you can get the conference special of $100. If this is something you’re interested in learning more about, click here.
-Jodi Weiss Schroeder