Welcome to the FINAL day of the 7 Day Challenge. I hope you have learned a lot and maybe had a little over the last 6 days. Today we are going to prioritize what we need to do better going forward and the then make a plan of attack on how we are going to proceed in the future.
Well aren’t you glad THAT’S over with? It really is amazing how much you can learn when you “practice” preparedness. Now is a good time to reflect with your family, answer some questions, and prioritize what your plan of attack will be to go forward and improve on your preparedness plans.
Hopefully you have been filling out your daily worksheets during each practice day of the challenge. If not you can go ahead and fill out a copy now. But for today I’d like you to print out a second copy of them. We are going to go back over each of the lists and re-write them in order of importance. This will give us a prioritized, actionable game plan to go off of going forward.

Put these lists in a place you will see and be reminded of your goals. Consider asking for some of these items for Christmas or birthdays. Plan family nights around learning new skills. Use family time to do projects you have been putting off.
Now that we have prepared, practiced, and prioritized … we are ready to PROCEED. I’ve come up with some resources you can use as you proceed on to the final phase of your preparedness cycle. This is a list of some things you may want to do, to learn, and to buy. Lots of these items may be on your priority lists you worked on yesterday. If they are, then these links should definitely help you out!
Fill out or update emergency preparedness plan
Make or rotate 72 hour kits
Fill or refill water containers
Make or update emergency binder
Update/Inventory your three month supply plan
Update/Inventory your long term food supply plan
Create a sanitation kit
Build a powerless stove, grill, oven, or pizza box solar oven
How to Make Bread: Bread Recipe, Bread-Making FAQ, No Electricity Bread
How To Deal With Long Term Water Loss (Water Saving Tips)
Water Filtration versus Water Purification
How to Shut Off Your Main Water Supply
How to Shut Off Gas Supply
Powerless Cooking Class
Wheat Grinder (Wondermill or Nutrimill are our my favorites)
All-American Sun Oven
Prepare My Life Planner (Emergency binder)
HERC Tea Light Candle Oven
InstaFire Fire Starter
Thrive Life Special Offer

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder