This month we are celebrating our “4 years of Blogging” Birthday. It’s crazy to think only 4 short years ago we had no food storage or even any idea of what food storage really was. We started this blog as a way to document everything we were learning, and since then, have come a long way. While we have learned a lot over the last 4 years, we still have so much we want to figure out. We never expected how much we would enjoy this adventure, and are thrilled at the many friendships we’ve built, and things we have learned from YOU our readers! So today, we’re celebrating with all the typical things you would celebrate with at a Birthday Party as we look back on the last 4 years.
Make sure you check out the whole post, because we have a PARTY FAVOR for you at the bottom… hint hint – something that only happens 2 times a year – you DON’T WANT TO MISS!
With a Blog called Food Storage Made Easy, of course we’ve had some experience with food. Here are some of our favorite recipes, and adventures with food we’ve had over the last 4 years:
- Enchilada Pie: The Ultimate Food Storage recipe! We love this recipe because of how many food storage techniques we’ve been able to learn from making it.
- Sneaking Food Storage into Your Recipes: This is a great post with lots of ideas on how to incorporate Food Storage into your families meals. You can’t expect eating from your Food Storage to be a habit that you develop overnight./li>
- Shelf Stable Cook Book: One of our favorite projects with food was putting together the FREE Shelf Stable Cook book, made using recipes submitted from all our readers. It’s so much fun to try some of each other’s recipes.
- Blender Wheat Pancakes: One of the very FIRST Food Storage recipes we tried. It’s a recipe we still use often today!
- Food Storage Fast Food: We have enjoyed finding ways to make using our Food Storage more convenient making smoothie packets, and pizza pockets.
Some of our favorite posts have been ideas for Food Storage gifts you can make for free, or super cheap, for friends and family. Helping your friends and family become more self reliant and prepared is one of the best gifts you can give. Here are some of our favorite gifts we’ve put together:
- #10 Can Stove: A great way to use extra #10 cans, and a thoughtful little gift. When it’s not in the budget to purchase some of the common cooking stoves, this is a great thing to have on hand.
- Ezekiel Bread Baggies: Julie enjoyed making this little gift for her sister who wanted to try making Ezekiel Bread but didn’t have all the many ingredients that the recipe asked for.
- Office 72 Hour Kit: We like posting this each year on Valentines day, to remind ourselves to help our loved ones who may be out and about at work in case of an emergency.
- 12 Days of Food Storage Christmas: This post is FULL of ideas of gifts you can make, or buy for loved ones over 12 days. It doesn’t need to be at Christmas, or you don’t have to use the full 12 days!
We’ve had our fair share of activities, classes, and events over the last 4 years. We have learned so much from each of the activities, and look forward to them each year. Here are a few of our favorites:
- Food Storage Lesson Plans: One of our favorite things we have done over the last 4 years is get out and teach group lessons. Now that we’ve added 4 additional kids to our mix, we can’t do that so often but we are happy to give you the lesson plans to do the classes yourself.
- Seven Day Challenge: We have a love-hate relationship with our 7 Day Challenge. 7 days of mock emergencies to test our preparedness levels is always a fun and DIFFICULT adventure!
- Extreme Food Storage Makeover: Getting Jodi’s Mom, (Grandma Lori) more prepared through our Extreme Food Storage Makeover has been a blast, and we’ve shared a lot of what we’ve learned with her.
- Powerless Cooking Class: Hosting a few powerless cooking classes has been a great way for us to meet our readers, and share our ideas on powerless cooking. We always try to put these events online afterwards to share with our non-local readers too!
- Food Storage Fairs and Expos: Every now and then, when we lose our minds and think we’re super women, we commit to going to fairs and expos. We had fun at the Women’s expo in Provo, and a Food Storage Fair in Ogden (among other local events)
What’s a Birthday Party without party favors?!!? Here is our PARTY Favor for you. If you follow us regularly, you know we only put the ebook on sale 2 times a year, so make sure you pick yours up today, and tell your friends!

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder