Learn about this HEALTHY alternative to white flour and see how it worked in my delicious sugar cookies.
We Heart Pinterest Day 14: Products We LOVE
Showing you the products we love, use, and recommend … at the BEST prices available online!
We Heart Pinterest Day 13: Food Storage Planning Help
There are so many tools out there to help you plan your Food Storage! Why re-create the wheel. Take a second to see if there’s something on this board that can help you in your planning.
We Heart Pinterest Day 12: BREAD
We love this board because it has several of our favorite bread recipes, bread making tips, and other yummy things you can make out of bread dough. Great way to rotate through your WHEAT!
We Heart Pinterest Day 11: Food Storage Recipes
Today we are featuring RECIPES on our Pinterest Boards because you know you can never have enough recipe ideas, especially ones that help you use and rotate your food storage!
We Heart Pinterest Day 10: Make Your Own
Storing raw ingredients for things like cleaners and detergents can be much more space efficient and cost-effective for long term storage. Check out our “make your own” board for tons of ideas and instructions!
We Heart Pinterest Day 9: Emergency Preparedness/How-to Tutorials
Today we are featuring two very helpful boards: Emergency Preparedness and How-To Tutorials. Use these as a resource to learn important skills!
We Heart Pinterest Day 8: Water Storage
Water water everywhere. Food storage is useless if you don’t have a plan for water. Check out these ideas and helpful hints on our Pinterest board.
We Heart Pinterest Day 7: Meal Planning/Organizing and Saving on Groceries
Don’t let recipe organization and meal planning overwhelm you. Use these helpful “pins” to make a plan and then check out the money saving tips to help you save money when you start shopping!
We Heart Pinterest Day 6: Food Storage Gifts
Gift ideas to help you give the gift of preparedness to your loved ones. If you have other great food storage gift ideas share your links or pins in the comments and we will add them to the board!