I first did a post about how to grow wheat grass for easter about 12 years ago on the blog. My two biggest kids were tiny and my younger two weren’t even born yet. It’s been fun to watch them grow up on my blog and crazy to think how long we’ve been doing this! […]
“Better than Sex” Peach Pie Recipe
My sweet husband wanted to argue with me about the name of this recipe because he says it depends on too many factors. But the overall consensus was that this peach pie recipe is REALLY REALLY good! Whether it is better than sex can be left for you to argue about with your significant other. […]
Do You Need a Will or Trust?
A few days ago I posed a poll question in my Facebook group and the answer was pretty surprising for a group of preparedness minded individuals. Here is what they had to say when asked if they have a current will or trust: Estate planning has been on my mind a lot lately because I’ve […]
Price Increase / Decrease Coming from Thrive Life
It’s no shock that prices are going up on EVERYTHING these days. My grocery budget, gas budget, travel budget, etc. have all had to increase. Unfortunately this also means that preparedness products and food storage are also getting more expensive, right at the same time that people are more and more concerned about supply chains, […]
My 2023 “Words” and Goals
After going through a pretty difficult divorce I went on a journey of self-improvement. I would read and listen to motivational books and podcasts daily and got so many great tips on how to love myself more and how to be the best me I can be. I started reading about people having a focus […]
Survival Mom 2023 Prepping Calendar
For the past three years I have gone through the Survival Mom Prepping Calendar and LOVE doing all the tasks and reading the monthly book recommendations. What I love even more is doing it as a group! In my Facebook Group we go through it week by week and share our successes and failures. I’d love for […]
Birthday Bash Giveaway
For my 40th birthday this year, I want to give away presents to all of YOU! As we all know, it’s Black Friday this weekend and I will be having all my regular goodies on sale plus a few fun NEW things too! So each day of the sale I will be giving away one […]
Day 30: Inventory Food Storage (15 Minute Prepping Projects)
Welcome to DAY 30 (THE LAST DAY!) of our 15 Minute Prepping Projects series. Today for our final project we are going to do a full inventory of our food. You may not finish it all today, but you can sure get a start in fifteen minutes! Every day for the month of September we will […]
Day 29: Test Smoke Detectors (15 Minute Prepping Projects)
Welcome to DAY 29 of our 15 Minute Prepping Projects series. Today we’re going to test all the smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in our homes. It’s a simple task but can save lives! Every day for the month of September we will celebrate National Preparedness Month by undertaking a small task to help us […]
Day 28: Preserve Something (15 Minute Prepping Projects)
Welcome to DAY 28 of our 15 Minute Prepping Projects series. Today we’re going to pick whatever method suits us and PRESERVE something. Every day for the month of September we will celebrate National Preparedness Month by undertaking a small task to help us get more prepared. Do as few or as many days as you […]