Monday, September 26
Welcome to the LAST day of the 7 Day Challenge! We hope you have enjoyed the new format this year and really learned a lot by following the steps of the Preparedness Cycle. We have prepared, practiced, and prioritized … and now we are ready to PROCEED. We’ve come up with resources you can use as you start to do, learn, and buy the items on your priority lists you worked on yesterday. Feel free to share your experiences in the Facebook event or follow us on Instagram to view our personal journeys.
Fill out or update emergency preparedness plan
Make or rotate 72 hour kits
Fill or refill water containers
Make or update emergency binder
Update/Inventory your three month supply plan
Update/Inventory your long term food supply plan
Create a sanitation kit
Build a powerless stove, grill, oven, or pizza box solar oven
How to Make Bread: Bread Recipe, Bread-Making FAQ, No Electricity Bread
How To Deal With Long Term Water Loss (Water Saving Tips)
Water Filtration versus Water Purification
How to Shut Off Your Main Water Supply
How to Shut Off Gas Supply
Powerless Cooking Class
“So you want to buy a year supply?” post
National Preparedness Month Sales
All-American Sun Oven
Bosch Universal Mixer
Prepare My Life Planner
Berkey Water Filters
HERC Tea Light Candle Oven
InstaFire Fire Starter
Small Stoves/Fuel
Laundry Hand Washer
Fortress Clothing
Thrive Life Special Packages

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder