We hope you all have had a chance to recover from a long week of challenges. On the last night of the challenge a huge fire broke out near our homes and many people were forced to evacuate and a few have lost their homes. This really brought home to us the idea that we don’t just do these challenges for fun, we do them to be better prepared. We have disaster kits, a grab list to know exactly what to take should we have to evacuate, and emergency binders full of all of our important documents in an easy to grab location. We could have evacuated with confidence. But what about all of the other scenarios we have been “practicing”?

If you did the challenge (or even if you just read along and didn’t actually participate), we want you to do an exercise that will help you in your future preparations. So here’s how it will work:
1. Review each day’s challenge, read blog comments, read facebook discussions
2. Print out each day’s report card and FILL IT OUT (if you didn’t do it along the way)
3. Compile a list of goals from all the report cards for you can be better prepared
4. Email us (info@foodstoragemadeeasy.net) your list of goals (because we all know ~~ACCOUNTABILITY IS KEY~~) and we will send your list back to you in six months as a check-up to see how you are doing on accomplishing your goals. That will still give you six more months to work on them again in time for the next challenge.
Want to play along? Get started today! Here are some quick links to help you accomplish this more easily:
DAY 1 – Blog Post, Report Card, Facebook Discussion
DAY 2 – Blog Post, Report Card, Facebook Discussion
DAY 3 – Blog Post, Report Card, Facebook Discussion
DAY 4 – Blog Post, Report Card, Facebook Discussion
DAY 5 – Blog Post, Report Card, Facebook Discussion
DAY 6 – Blog Post, Report Card, Facebook Discussion
DAY 7 – Blog Post, Report Card
We are going to be discussing our goals and learnings on Monday with a roadmap of what we are going to be covering in the next few weeks on our blog. We definitely figured out quite a few holes in our level of preparedness and we will share our progress with you as we research how we can do better. Hopefully it will help everyone else too!

We’ve had a few requests for us to make each of the challenges available in a nice printable format to be inserted into the Food Storage Made Easy binders and match the rest of the binder. We are definitely going to be doing this as part of our next BIG round of FREE binder updates. So if you haven’t purchased your copy yet, make sure to grab one soon and you will be emailed the updates as soon as they are available!

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder