Summertime is in full force around here! We have already been busy with daily chores, tennis camp, soccer practices, and piano festivals. This summer one of my big goals is to practice my powerless cooking skills and YOU CAN HELP! I need some accountability partners and I know my readers are the best so I hope you […]
Allergen-Friendly Cherry Chocolate Chip Cookies
In light of some new health challenges I’m facing I am starting to cook in a new way. I am currently dairy-free, soy-free, sugar-free, gluten-free, and caffeine-free … so basically for someone who loves treats and loves to cook it feels pretty miserable! I decided to start tackling the allergy problem head-on since now I […]
Jodi’s January Updates
Wow this year is already flying by! This year I’m working on my prepping following two plans. I’m working through The Survival Mom’s Weekly Prepping Calendar, and I’m swapping out my 3 month supply foods and replacing them with meals-in-a-jar. I wanted to give a little update on how I am doing each month to […]
Weekly Prepping Calendar
If you have followed our blog you’ll know that we LOVE to take bite-sized babysteps in order to get more prepared. We have checklists that walk you through building up your year supply over a one year period. Many of our readers have loved getting these bi-weekly reminders to help them with their food storage […]
Meals in a Jar Monthly Group
One of my New Year’s resolutions this year is to build up my three month’s supply of food using jar meals. In the past I’ve used our 3 Month Supply Calculator and stocked up on the ingredients needed to make meals. But I find myself not keeping up with the rotation very well because everything […]
The Great Mixer Debate – Bosch vs. WonderMix
Have you ever wondered which stand mixer is best? I actually own all three of the big ones and use them for different things. My Kitchenaid is great for cookies and I love the pasta attachment on it. My Bosch I use for BIG batches of bread, as well as for things like shredding chicken […]
Food Storage Made Easy … in an APP?
I am soooooo excited to announce a new collaboration effort to bring the best of Food Storage Made Easy right into your phone. I have spent the last several years trying to find an inventory app that could actually do everything I wanted it to do. I had finally resigned myself to thinking I needed […]
Chicken Noodle Soup Meal-in-a-Jar Recipe
❄ Winter is coming ❄ and that means two things: Sickness and Soups are on the menu frequently. I play on a women’s college hockey team and earlier this week, the day after practice, half of our team ended up with the same cold which involved a pretty horrible sore throat. I was one of […]
7 Day Challenge 2018 – Day 7: Prioritize and Proceed (Thursday)
Welcome to the FINAL day of the 7 Day Challenge. I hope you have learned a lot and maybe had a little over the last 6 days. Today we are going to prioritize what we need to do better going forward and the then make a plan of attack on how we are going to […]
7 Day Challenge 2018 – Day 6: Practice (Wednesday)
Welcome to the 7 Day Challenge. Today is our fifth and final day of “PRACTICING” our Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage Plans during this mock emergency. Each day has brought about a new component to the situation that will test at least one of the reasons “WHY” we strive to be prepared! Please feel free […]