Welcome to our Online Powerless Cooking Class. We recently held a live class on powerless cooking here in Utah. Since so many of you don’t live here, and couldn’t attend, we wanted to do this class for you. Instead of posting the full 2 hour video of our live class, we’ve made new mini videos that have better close ups. This way you can watch whichever portions are of interest to you little by little. Make sure watch NOW, print out the handouts, and add them to your Food Storage Made Easy binder … WHILE YOU STILL HAVE POWER.
This class is also going to be a great way to help all of us get ready to participate in our Summer Powerless Cooking Adventures!
Download our class handout on Emergency Cooking Fuels
Fuels mentioned in the video:
INSTA-FIRE: Purchase from Food Storage Made Easy
BUTANE: Purchase at Amazon.com
CANNED FUEL: Purchase at Emergency Essentials or Shelf Reliance
FUEL PELLETS: Purchase at Shelf Reliance
These are the kinds of tools that you can make yourself, or purchase for little cost. These are tools that would probably help you get through a short-term powerless emergency, but may not be all that fun to use long term.
For a tutorial on how to make a #10 can stove, click here.
To purchase a charcoal chimney starter, click here
For a tutorial on how to make a Cardboard Box Oven, click here.
While these tools will also work for short-term situations, they are useful in situations where you may go without power for longer amounts of times. Some of these tools require more of an investment, however they can be used in everyday cooking, camping, and powerless situations.
To learn more about Global Sun Ovens and purchase them at the lowest prices available online, click here
(Please note, there is a Spring Accessory Package sale that ends June 21st)
To watch a more in depth video created by the President of Sun Oven, Paul Munsen click here.
To learn more about the Volcano Collapsible Grill and purchase one online with FREE SHIPPING, click here
For a tutorial on how to make your own Wonder Oven, click here.
For information on purchasing one visit www.eco-wonderoven.com or contact Laura who is the one who made us ours. Her email address is: itsawonderboxoven@gmail.com
So now that you’ve been to our class, we hope you are ready to join us for our Summer Powerless Cooking Adventures! Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and/or our Facebook page to make sure you catch all of our adventures and share some of your own 🙂
Please note: While we have tried to be very thorough, we know we did not cover every single possible fuel or cooking tool option out there. We encourage you to find the best options for your family and do your own research on safe storage and safe usage of these products.

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder