For those of you with small (or big) children you know that “getting things done” can be kind of tricky. Each day you wake up with really GREAT intentions, then regular (wonderful) life gets in the way and you promise yourself, tomorrow you’ll be more productive. When it comes to Food Storage, we realized if we always waited until nap time, school time, or any other “kidless” time we would never get around to planning, buying and using our Food Storage. So we decided we would have a mental shift. Instead of waiting until we had free time, we started involving our kids more in our Food Storage adventures. We talk about how this is one of the strategies of getting Food Storage done in our pep talk found here.
While at an eprep fair a couple weeks ago, I picked up a brochure I thought was super cute that I wanted to share with you. Luckily there was an online version. It’s an activity book with coloring pictures, word searches, and crosswords to get your kids excited about being prepared. For the activity book download, click here. I found this pdf on the Ready.Gov Kids page which has lots of fun stuff for you to use!

Once you have your kids on board, make sure to check out some of our other posts that involve kids and Food Storage.
Other fun posts involving kids:
7 Sneaky Ways to Feed your Family Food Storage
How to Grow Easter Grass with Wheat
Disaster Kit Scavenger Hunt
What To Do with Extra #10 cans
Recipe: Worms and Dirt
72 Hour Kits for Babies

-Jodi Weiss Schroeder